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编辑:    发布时间:2016-12-23 00:00    浏览次数:

目:Life cycle cost and carbon emissions analysis for green building implementation

主 讲: Vivian W. Y. Tam 副教授,博士

时 间:2016-12-26 (星期一),10:00-11:30
地 点:深圳大学南校区土木工程学院大楼B506会议室

提 要:
To fulfill the needs of the future, the Australian building sector seems to contemplate toward sustainable design. This presentation will highlight a computer-aided model to calculate life-cycle cost and carbon emissions for conventional and high-strength concrete to maximise Credit 19B.1: Life-cycle impacts - Concrete in the Green Star Design & As Built in Australia . The model has been built using Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic platforms, thus it is flexible and may be one of the simplest ways for concrete strength optimisation and its life-cycle cost and carbon emissions. The model has been rigorously verified against manual calculation and existing findings such as ACI 211.4R-08. Options to maximise Credit 19B.1 will be discussed for normal- and high-strength concrete containing aggregate, reclaimed water and alternative fine aggregate.

简介: Vivian W. Y. Tam is an Associate Professor at School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University, Australia. She received her Ph.D. in sustainable construction from the Department of Building and Construction at City University of Hong Kong in 2005. Her research interests are in the areas of environmental management in construction and sustainable development. She is currently the Associate Editor of International Journal of Construction Management and the Research Group Leader for Sustainable Construction Management and Education Research Group under the School. She has been awarded twenty-one research grants (totalled $1.47 million), including most recently an ARC Discovery Project worth $187,324 (as the first CI), the first of two ARC DPs awarded under FoR 1202 (Building). She was awarded two competitive research grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) worth (a) $35,000 (as the first CI) in the Research Fund for International Young Scientists scheme, 2012-2013 and (b) $85,000 for the General Program Project scheme for 2013-2016. It should be stressed that these two NSFC grants are very competitive with a success rate of only 6.5% for scheme (a) and about 18% for scheme (b). I have also been awarded international research funding from Hong Kong Construction Industry Council (2011-2013, $192,000), Hong Kong Quality Education Fund (2005-2007, $110,000), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2008-2009, $40,000), City University of Hong Kong (2012-2013, $24,000) and fourteen internal research grants from Western Sydney University and GriffithUniversity (totalled $796,742). She has published over 2 books, 20 book chapters, 180 referred journal articles and 73 referred conference articles.


上一条:土木工程学院特聘教授 唐路平教授、李龙元教授 系列讲座



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