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Combining Science and Engineering for Research in Construction Materials

编辑:    发布时间:2016-11-15 00:00    浏览次数:

报告题目:Combining Science and Engineering for Research in Construction Materials

主讲嘉宾:Denvid LAU, Ph.D(MIT); Assistant Professor (The University of Hong Kong)

讲座时间: 20161117日(星期四)下午14001530

讲座地点: 深圳大学土木工程学院C501

主办单位: 广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室

人: 洪舒贤 博士


Atomistic simulations of cementitious material can enrich our understanding of structural and mechanical properties, whereas current computational capacities restrict the investigation length scale within 10 nm. This limitation prevents the consideration of many features of hydrated cements that originate at the mesoscale and are critical to macroscopic mechanical properties and failure modes. In this context, coarse-grained simulations can translate the information from nanoscale to mesoscale, thus bridge the multi-scale investigations. In this seminar, the development a coarse-grained model of cement matrix using the concept of disk-like building block is presented. The objective is to introduce a new method to construct coarse-grained model of cement, which could contribute to the scale-bridging issue from nanoscale to mesoscale. Such technique can also be applied in other bonded material systems found in construction industry, which include FRP/concrete and FRP/wood systems.


Denvid obtained his Bachelor degree with first class honors and Master degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2004 and 2006 respectively, and got his second Master degree from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2009. He then received his Ph.D. in the field of structures and materials from MIT in 2012. Prior to joining the City University of Hong Kong as an assistant professor in August 2012, he worked as a postdoctoral associate at MIT. Denvid got various awards and scholarships during his undergraduate and graduate studies including the Croucher Foundation Scholarship (2006-2009) and the Marvin E. Goody Award (2007). He was named as one of the Harvey Fellows in 2011. His research focuses on the multiscale modeling of organic-inorganic system, moisture-induced debonding, durability of concrete-epoxy system and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in structural rehabilitation. To date, Denvid has attracted over HK$4 million fund in total for research and teaching development. He has published more than 50 referred journal and conference articles and has delivered more than 15 invited talks around the world.





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