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【 40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第4场:基于多场-多尺度数值模拟的多因素耦合作用下钢筋混凝土结构生命周期评估

编辑:土木高级账号    发布时间:2024-04-24 10:21    浏览次数:

时间:2024年3月27日星期三 上午10:00-11:30

Time: 27th, Mar.2024 Wed. 10:00-11:30am


Place: C501 Conference room, Zhigong Building, Canghai Campus, Shenzhen University


Language: English

演讲嘉宾:王诏 博士

Lecturer: Dr. Zhao WANG


Title: Lifetime assessment of reinforced concrete structures under various impacts with multi-scale and multi-chemo-physical approaches

邀请人:Tamon UEDA 教授

Inviter: Prof. Tamon UEDA


钢筋混凝土结构在服役期间往往受到复杂环境及荷载耦合作用而发生劣化,如高温火灾、冰雪气候、钢筋锈蚀、混凝土碳化、碱骨料反应、持载徐变、疲劳荷载等。为实现结构的全寿命周期性能评估,报告人采用了多场(湿-热-化- 电-力)—多尺度(微观-细观-宏观)数值模拟分析方法。在本次报告中,将针对冻融循环和宏电池腐蚀的具体应用场景,详细介绍两种数值模拟分析平台的开发和优化过程。分别是:由北海道大学维持管理研究室原创开发的细观刚体弹簧元模型(Rigid Body Spring Method),和由东京大学混凝土研究室原创开发的混凝土三维力学-耐久性模型(COM3-DuCOM)。另外,利用后一平台对其他单一或复合劣化因素作用下(徐变、疲劳、 火灾、耦合冻害-锈蚀-碱骨料反应)的结构耐久性预测也将进行介绍。

Abstract: Reinforced concrete structures may suffer various deterioration factors from both environmental and mechanical impacts, such as fire attack, frost action, steel corrosion, carbonation, alkali-silica reaction, sustained load, fatigue,etc. In order to conduct the life-span assessment of structural concrete, multi-chemo- physical (thermal-hygral-chemical-electrical-mechanical) and multi-scale (micro-meso-macro) approaches are developed and adopted. In this presentation, two simulation approaches (1. Rigid Body Spring Model, originally developed by Maintenance Lab, Hokkaido University; 2. COM3-DuCOM, originally developed by Concrete Lab, The University of Tokyo) are introduced with the applications to frost damage and macro- cell corrosion in details. The applications to other deterioration factors and their couplings (creep, fatigue, fire damage, coupled frost-corrosion-ASR) will also be briefly presented.


王诏现为东京大学社会基盘学专攻讲师,博士生导师。本科毕业于大连理工大学土木工程专业,硕士及博士毕业于日本北海道大学,导师为日本工程院院士Tamon Ueda教授。于横滨国立大学从事博士后期间,获得日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员资格,合作导师为日本学术会议委员 Koichi Maekawa教授。目前担任 SCI期刊 Buildings特刊编辑、 Journal of Intelligent Construction 青年编委及多个SCI 期刊的审稿人。担任日本混凝土学会(JCI),日本土木学会(JSCE),欧洲混凝土学会(fib-YMG)会员。研究方向包括混凝土耐久性、多尺度模拟、智慧运维等。作为负责人主持日本国家级青年人才项目、青年项目、博后项目和东电设计研究助成项 目,参与香港 Theme-based Research Scheme重点研发项目和多项日本国家级面上项目。发表SCI论文40余篇(含一作通讯论文24篇),并荣获日本混凝土学会年次论文奖、国际建筑材料学会最佳论文奖等科研奖励。

Dr. Zhao WANG is currently a lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering at The University of Tokyo. He obtained his Bachelor degree from Dalian University of Technology, and achieved the Master and PhD degrees from Hokkaido University (supervisor: Prof. Tamon Ueda). After graduation, Dr. Wang worked as postdoctoral researcher in Yokohama National University, where he was awarded the International Fellow by The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (supervisor: Prof.Koichi Maekawa). Dr. Wang is serving as young editorial board member, guest editor and reviewers in several international journals and working as members of JCI, JSCE and fib-YMG. His research interests include concrete durability, multiscale analysis and so on. Dr. Wang has led and participated in several projects and his research outcomes have been published in several high-quality peer-reviewed journals, which earned him various research awards including the Best Paper and Presentation Award by the Japan Concrete Institute, etc.

上一条:【40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第5场: Proppants: Key to Sustaining Production in Unconventional Reservoirs

下一条:【 40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第3场:中日建筑材料与结构研究进展研讨会


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